Changes to uxlaunch in Trunk
2011-08-21 20:57:55 UTC

per a message on the dev list (from back in Jun) some
changes for how the system starts are in 1.3. Specifically,
something has to install a /usr/share/xsessions/x-meego-ivi.desktop
file. Has this file been developed yet, and in what package
will it go? The change also seems to mandate a change in .ks

I ask, because I have been trying MIC2 out and actually have
it working (I didn't expect that :} ). So I have been making
some images against trunk and noticed these issues.

Any ways, just thought I'd ask.

2011-08-22 13:32:33 UTC
----- Original Message -----
Post by Nasa
per a message on the dev list (from back in Jun) some
changes for how the system starts are in 1.3. Specifically,
something has to install a /usr/share/xsessions/x-meego-ivi.desktop
file. Has this file been developed yet, and in what package
will it go? The change also seems to mandate a change in .ks
I ask, because I have been trying MIC2 out and actually have
it working (I didn't expect that :} ). So I have been making
some images against trunk and noticed these issues.
Any ways, just thought I'd ask.
As I like to respond to myself... I also happened to notice that
the 1.2.80 .ks files don't have references to ivihome or ividesktop.
Nor do any of the patterns listed from the package groups here:
Is this by design? Or do the .ks files need to be updated?


BTW: I'm guessing the release schedule for 1.3 is a little off (based off
of the wiki and what changes have happened on 1.2.80).
Clark, Joel
2011-08-22 19:22:44 UTC
Post by Nasa
As I like to respond to myself... I also happened to notice that
the 1.2.80 .ks files don't have references to ivihome or ividesktop.
Is this by design? Or do the .ks files need to be updated?
We replaced "ivihome" and "ividesktop" in the later stages of 1.1.90 with http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/releases/1.2.0/repos/oss/source/meego-ux-ivi-0.1.0-3.9.src.rpm

In 1.2.80 we are removing these from the .ks and patterns in the move to a developer friendly xterm default boot environment. We are looking for sample installable UX packages for 1.2.80 (and later), but have not identified exactly what they are. Very open to suggestions from the community or even better maintained packages in the build system. Perhaps we will even go back to ivihome and ividesktop.

2011-08-22 21:56:52 UTC
----- Original Message -----
Post by Clark, Joel
As I like to respond to myself... I also happened to notice that
the 1.2.80 .ks files don't have references to ivihome or ividesktop.
Is this by design? Or do the .ks files need to be updated?
We replaced "ivihome" and "ividesktop" in the later stages of 1.1.90
In 1.2.80 we are removing these from the .ks and patterns in the move
to a developer friendly xterm default boot environment. We are looking
for sample installable UX packages for 1.2.80 (and later), but have
not identified exactly what they are. Very open to suggestions from
the community or even better maintained packages in the build system.
Perhaps we will even go back to ivihome and ividesktop.

getting some UX's from the community sounds like a plan. For clarity sake,
what would you envision defines a UX? Is it as simple as a WM? Or is it
a suite of apps (along with a WM)?

Post by Clark, Joel
Clark, Joel
2011-08-23 08:34:54 UTC
Post by Nasa
getting some UX's from the community sounds like a plan. For clarity sake,
what would you envision defines a UX? Is it as simple as a WM? Or is it
a suite of apps (along with a WM)?
I don't think there are any firm rules that need to be set. So here are just some of my suggestions.

1> Installable package or set of packages maintained and supported in build.meego.com. Without someone willing to keep the packages working in the MeeGo build and respond to community discussion or issues, it's probably a waste of everyone's time
2> Should include an initial user screen, and ability to launch additional programs. The very minimal would be something like xterm with command line app launch. But presumably folks will want to show a more rich in-vehicle experience

The idea is to provide a space for anyone to demonstrate their vision of what an in-vehicle user experience should be. It seems reasonable to have some original content, but there is no reason to not allow re-use of existing upstream projects. So for example a UX might provide its own window manager or it might re-use an existing one. Previously we have had XFCE, Matchbox, and "mcompositor".

My view of desirable features in an IVI UX
1> multiple windows
2> multiple display support
3> compositing
4> multiple user support
5> touchscreen, voice command, text to speech
6> input from vehicle controls (steering wheel, center console etc)
7> entertainment apps
8> driver assistance apps
9> social networking apps
10> system configuration apps
11> data sync with multiple devices

Lots of possibilities

2011-08-23 14:51:28 UTC
----- Original Message -----
Post by Clark, Joel
getting some UX's from the community sounds like a plan. For clarity
what would you envision defines a UX? Is it as simple as a WM? Or is
a suite of apps (along with a WM)?
I don't think there are any firm rules that need to be set. So here
are just some of my suggestions.
1> Installable package or set of packages maintained and supported in
build.meego.com. Without someone willing to keep the packages working
in the MeeGo build and respond to community discussion or issues, it's
probably a waste of everyone's time
2> Should include an initial user screen, and ability to launch
additional programs. The very minimal would be something like xterm
with command line app launch. But presumably folks will want to show a
more rich in-vehicle experience
The idea is to provide a space for anyone to demonstrate their vision
of what an in-vehicle user experience should be. It seems reasonable
to have some original content, but there is no reason to not allow
re-use of existing upstream projects. So for example a UX might
provide its own window manager or it might re-use an existing one.
Previously we have had XFCE, Matchbox, and "mcompositor".
My view of desirable features in an IVI UX
1> multiple windows
2> multiple display support
3> compositing
4> multiple user support
5> touchscreen, voice command, text to speech
6> input from vehicle controls (steering wheel, center console etc)
7> entertainment apps
8> driver assistance apps
9> social networking apps
10> system configuration apps
11> data sync with multiple devices
Lots of possibilities
Thanks Joel,

Good writeup.

One technical question... The
file, is it an xsession file or a .desktop file
(per freedesktop standards)?

Clark, Joel
2011-08-24 00:34:08 UTC
Post by Nasa
One technical question... The
file, is it an xsession file or a .desktop file
(per freedesktop standards)?
We are still learning what is required here. My guess is a freedesktop type .desktop file.
I saw another note on this which I've included below.


Now look what those nice N900 guys went and added to image-configurations....

# Create a session file for xterm.
+cat > /usr/share/xsessions/x-meego-xterm.desktop << EOF [Desktop Entry]
+Version=1.0 Name=xterm session Exec=/usr/bin/xterm Type=Application EOF
+# Set symlink pointing to .desktop file
+ln -sf x-meego-xterm.desktop /usr/share/xsessions/default.desktop

Nice little post-script. Isn't that handy? ;)
