Grigory Abuladze
2011-07-20 14:49:09 UTC
With regards to this
A few comments:
1. Possible Use Cases:
.. Pay-As-You-Drive : Insurance companies can provide App, which reports
the driver's driving habits with his consent. The data can be used to
discount insurance fee...
Should be read as "The data WILL BE used to INCREASE insurance fee."
Don't even mention all connected to privacy and so on :)
2. CAN stack.
Do you hear something about
SocketCAN ?
Which is:
- mature, comes from real automotive
- integrated into kernel
- ndev based, not chardev
- has build in virtual CAN adapter
- has HW specific drivers support from almost all CAN HW modules
Shouldn't we just reuse already available and easily integrable
technology instead of reinvent CAN-stack wheel again?
Grigory Abuladze
Application Solutions (Electronics and Vision) Limited.
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 409147
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With regards to this
A few comments:
1. Possible Use Cases:
.. Pay-As-You-Drive : Insurance companies can provide App, which reports
the driver's driving habits with his consent. The data can be used to
discount insurance fee...
Should be read as "The data WILL BE used to INCREASE insurance fee."
Don't even mention all connected to privacy and so on :)
2. CAN stack.
Do you hear something about
SocketCAN ?
Which is:
- mature, comes from real automotive
- integrated into kernel
- ndev based, not chardev
- has build in virtual CAN adapter
- has HW specific drivers support from almost all CAN HW modules
Shouldn't we just reuse already available and easily integrable
technology instead of reinvent CAN-stack wheel again?
Grigory Abuladze
Application Solutions (Electronics and Vision) Limited.
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 409147
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This communication was sent from Application Solutions (Electronics and
Vision) Limited. Registered office: The Riverside Centre, Railway Lane,
Lewes, East Sussex, England, BN7 2AQ. Company Reg. No. 6437845